Our Sleeping Beauty

Here is the first of what could be hundreds of images! Michelle was the best sleeper ever.
Here is the first of what could be hundreds of images! Michelle was the best sleeper ever.

As a new Mom with a 3-day old baby I was so worried about waking up at night to feed. I moved the bassinet next to the bed and didn’t sleep at all waiting for her to stir. After 4 hours, I had to look – there she was sleeping happily. Another 2 hours went by and finally she began to stir. This was the beginning of our long relationship of her sleeping on her own terms.

Her first foray out into the wild noisy world was a Saturday night dance at the Firehall – Yes just over a month old and slept through most of the noise! Now we were getting brave, we tried a bowling alley. That was fine until the bells and lights flashed, at least something could wake her up. Then we attended a wedding, where a few friends didn’t even realize she was there sleeping in a bedroom.

I am sure Michelle didn’t know how long it took to drive to New Denver (over 700km). We always left early to avoid the heat of the day, grabbing both kids in their pajamas, clicking the seatbelts on, putting pillow in the middle and left them to sleep. Chris never lasted that long but Michelle made it to Osoyoos (400km) and woke up in time for breakfast. Then she was awake for most of the final leg, it was an easy 3 and a half hour drive. Michelle was the only one who was ready for the lake on the first day!

Ask around, I am sure everyone has a Michelle sleeping on transportation story! Planes, trains, automobiles, bus, boats and probably Tuk-tuks as well!